Xmas Portraits in Fort Lauderdale, FL
December its that month out of the year that feels like a Friday always!
Isn't that soooooo true???
Like many of you...I love December!
It's such a relaxing, merry, cheery, peaceful, beautiful month, full of magic, love...just total awesomeness, don't you agree? I mean, who doesn't love December???
Oh, and Xmas...Oh, I just love Xmas!!! Its one of my fave Holidays. It comes first on my list, then Halloween, then Valentine's Day.
It feels like in December, time just slows down and its so wonderful, because its the perfect time to spend with loved ones + cherish those little moments of pure bliss + togetherness.
Since we celebrate Xmas at home, I love to start with Xmas Cards + packing Xmas Gifts in late November.-and you all know how much I enjoy gift-wrapping! lol I do, I really do...I'm not being sarcastic or anything...lol So I'll play some jolly Xmas Carolls or watch cute, silly Xmas Movies on Lifetime or FreeForm + I'm all set! Oh yes, a cup of tea + some snacks as I wrap here + there.
We also get to do our Xmas Tree a bit before Thanksgiving's Day, just because we travel to SC in early December to meet my hubby's family, so we'd like to enjoy our tree + that magical ambiance, as much as possible while being at home.
I'm also very close to my family, so we all get very excited to plan for the season...where are we going to spend it, who is going to cook what, what are we going to wear, lol, etc.. etc...and I'm so blessed to have most of my immediate family near us in Miami, FL. Although my sister Nathalie + her Hubby live in NY, and we miss them lots, especially during Xmas Times.
It doesn't seem they'll make it again this year, so we are pretty bummed out. :(
December its also Xmas + Holiday Portrait Season for me, one of our busiest times during the year. However, I had surgery this past October + I made the very hard decision(yes, cause I'm a workaholic in recovery process! lol) to slow down + cut our usual bookings to a fourth...so that my body can properly heal. Simple as that!
And I'm sorry I was not able to post anything during November here. I had a weird side effect that affected my vision right after surgery, so being on my phone or in the computer will get me very dizzy, had nausea and my eyes just hurt. It wasn't fun at all.
Anyhow, here's a gorgeous Xmas Session, my fave one so far this year... Because I've been wanting to do a Xmas PJ Photo Shoot for a while now + thanks to the Patterson Family, I finally got to do them! :)

Baby Sean had a blast munching on Santa's yummy chocolate chip cookies! LOL

He's too handsome + sweet! Love his smile + little baby teeth! Lol

Always so much fun photographing this super nice family! :)
And bellow its a fun shot of Hubby + I with Papa, Hubby's Dad, (who always gives me a hard time as he never looks straight at the camera! Lol) while we were having a yummy lunch, visiting Bluffton, SC a few days ago. I love Bluffton, its such a cute + whimsical town...I will move there in a heartbeat! lol Have you ever visited it? Its right before Hilton Head Island in SC. And next year, they'll open their elegant Boutique Hotel: The Old Town Bluffton Inn blufftoninnsc.com , which not only looks gorgeous, but its right there in the Historic Downtown. I can't wait to check it out! :)

FYI, these last 2 photos were taken from my cell phone.
Anyway, its 6.46 am...I was not able to sleep since 3.30am, so I figured to be productive + start early blogging! Must be that I'm just too excited as we are going tomorrow to my fave place ever...Can you guess?
SAVANNAH!!! I will surely move there in less than a heartbeat! Lol
I've lived in Lima, Peru + the San Francisco Bay area, visited a few other nice spots across the US...(Europe, I promise I'll visit you soon!) and so far, the 2 cities I love the most are Savannah, GA + Carmel by the Sea, CA (Where Mr. Clint Eastwood was the Mayor).
I'm a sucker for Historic + Beautiful, Quaint Places...full of beautiful flowers + gardens, so there!
Ok friends, I'm gonna try to take a small nap, just so I have enough energy to walk around my fave town later.
Talk soon!
Andrea :)