Bar Mitzvah Celebration at The Miami Dadeland Marriott
A very Special Bar Mitzvah for an Awesome Grandpa!
So last Friday, I got to photograph a Bar-Mitzvah Celebration for an Awesome Grandpa.
Yes, you heard me right! :)

I always thought Bar-Mitzvahs and Bat-Mitzvahs were only for boys and girls turning 13 yrs. old. But it turns out, that its celebrated once again on their 70th anniversary, after they were first called to the Torah.
Mel looked very handsome and sharp...But it wasn't the first time I had met him. A few years back, Monica, called me to do a 50th Birthday Bash for her boyfriend Bruce, which happens to be Mel's son. It was a beautiful party! Casino style theme, so much fun and I even got to meet Mel's grandkids.
This time around, I met his beautiful wife, close friends and family.-and got to see his grandkids all grown up this time.
To Mel's surprise, this had actually been a Surprise Celebration in his honor, but because he didn't want to attend dinner, lol, his wife and Monica had to tell him the truth.
I had not been to the Miami Dadeland Marriott in Miami, Florida (Kendall) in a very long time. This is the hotel that its very close to one of South Florida's biggest malls: The Dadeland Mall. The hotel has been completely renovated, and my gosh, its Gorgeous!
So modern, posh and chic, and very techie as well...The elevator its all electronic...It has a screen on the outside so you can punch the floor number where you want to go. It also has a TV inside of each elevator, keeping you up to date with the latest news.
The restaurant was very fancy. It reminded me of the Palm D' Or at The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. And Monica created the most unique centerpieces! She used my fave flowers, Hydrangeas, and added a live goldfish to swim in the water...Because Mel loves fishes.
It was much fun to take beautiful photos of Mel's family and friends. Mel reminds me so much of my Father-in-law...Always making funny comments, smiling and laughing...and everyone else at the party was much fun as well...Making funny faces, laughing, enjoying themselves... That's what life is all about...right?
Now what caught my attention the most, and I'm sure it also caught the guests' and Mel for sure, was this huge screen as you enter the lobby, which had a collage of beautiful pics of Mel, since being a little boy to being a big boy. I thought this was just amazing, and the perfect way to greet his guests as they came in to his celebration.

I can't wait to start working on these amazing pics. I know Mel and his family will treasure these memories forever. Hope that Mel enjoyed his Birthday very much and cheers for many more birthdays to come!
Bellow is a pic of the beautiful Monica and me, as we said good-bye that eve.